What is Histamine Intolerance?

You may be asking yourself at this point what histamine intolerance actually is.Well let me clear that up for you really quickly.

The Enzyme

As the term already states, it’s an intolerance to certain foods that contain histamine. Most food products tend to contain this biological molecule, but to varying degrees. Incredibly processed or aged food has a tendency to contain more histamines than fresh food.

Histamine’s purpose is to communicate within the human body. It is most famous for its relationship to allergies. Whatever allergy a person might have, histamine is released, thereby exhibiting allergic symptoms. So if you are allergic to spring pollen, histamine is released within your body, and then your nose starts to run and your eyes begin to itch. This is the basic function of histamine.

Histamine intolerance is a little bit different. Histamine intolerant persons are lacking the abundance of an enzyme called diamine oxidase (DAO – in short). Normally, this enzyme will break down all the histamines that the body takes in. For a person that lacks these enzymes, histamine builds up in the body and causes a reaction.

Histamine intolerance is caused by a shortage of the DAO enzyme that is supposed to break down the histamine in a human’s body.

The Reactions

The type of reactions range immensely from person to person. There are less problematic reactions such as a stuffy nose when drinking some red wine, to having to run to the toilet after 4 hours, or the eliciting of bleeding within your mouth, and so forth.

This is also one of the reasons as to why people are left in the dark with their problems – the diversity of symptoms for histamine intolerance is so high, that doctors have a tendency to overlook it.

There are two types of histamine intolerance: genetic and non-genetic. Genetically induced histamine intolerance cannot be treated (sucks for people like me) but non-genetically caused histamine intolerance can be treated with bio resonance. 

In regards to what food is especially histamine loaded and what medical tests you can undertake to diagnose this intolerance will be outlined in the next post that will be coming soon! 

Hang around for some histamine-free and histamine-low recipes!

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